Partnership Management Module
- Partner Access Management
- Navigate to List of Partners
- Export Your List of Partners
- Show Hidden Partners
- Import Partner from VISION
- See Your Partners Details
- Navigate to List of Agreements
- Add New Agreement - Small Scaling Funding Agreement (SSFA)
- Add New Agreement -Programme Cooperation Agreement (PCA) - Draft
- Generate Programme Cooperation Agreement
- Add Amendment to Your PCA
- Add New Agreement - Change Status of Your MoU from Draft to Signed
Programme Document (PD)
- Navigate to List of PD
- Add New PD - Change Status from Signed to Active
- Entering Reporting Requirements
- Add Funds Reservation to Your PD
- Change of Status of Your PD to Ended
- Close Your PD
- Introduction to ePD (Electronic Programme Document)
- Initiating an ePD
- Creating the ePD Strategy
- Creating the Results Structure
- Creating the ePD Budget
- Creating a supply plan