Overview of Key Changes (click here to view the details of enhancements and bug fixes)
Trip Management
- Enhancements: Purpose of trip is now displayed in the travel activity export
- Bug Fixes: Users editing dates and reports following the completion or cancellation of a trip is now restricted, incorrect file type upload issues now fixed, display issues in the reports tab and action points box now fixed.
Action Points
- Enhancements: Exports now display reference numbers as links to the actual action point
Partnership Management
- Enhancements: Receive multiple report attachments from PRP, PD submission date is now a mandatory field, changes to date display, ability to utilize navigation column while data is loading, ability to close supply only PDs.
- Bug Fixes: Display errors in specific fields, backdrops and sections now fixed, Partner filtering in Agreements now fixed, indicator export errors from reports fixed, indicator progress display errors fixed.
Financial Assurance Module
- Enhancements: Date when spot checks and audits are counted on the HACT status dashboard is based on the date the draft report was submitted to the IP
- Bug Fixes: Loading errors when uploading attachment now fixed, error when saving and finalizing micro-assessment now fixed, display issues on micro-assessment cards and shared documents now fixed.
Third Party Monitoring Portal
- Enhancements: Changes to validation message when adding an existing e-mail, Office is now included in export
- Bug Fixes: TPM focal point display errors now fixed.