RELEASE NOTES 6.6 (20 December 2018)
Partnership Management
- Layout of the Attachments table has been fixed
- Redesigned My Dashboard including additional information – the user will only see PD/SSFAs that they are the focal points for
- The Outstanding DCT columns in the Overview of the Partnership Dashboard are now sortable
- Agreement status displays in the drop down on the PD page
- User Experience enhancements for attaching files
- Disaggregations (settings page) are now searchable and can be made inactive
- Clear All filters function was added to all of the pages
- CSO Type is now included in the “PD Budget” export
Bug fixes
- Allow adding additional FRs to PDs in active status
- Bugs with grant filtering on the map dashboard were fixed.
- The alert “IPs with active PD without a signed PCA” is now displaying a correct number
Financial Assurance
Bug fixes
- Staff can add and assign a new Audit Staff Member to a Spot Check.
- "Prior year outstanding" column has been added to the Financial Findings dashboard.
- Export function for the HACT Dashboard for the Year End (31 December 2018) has been added. HACT Dashboard data is frozen and made available in the export function.
Third Party Monitoring
Bug fixes
- Display of the wrong "Document Type" names has been corrected
- Export of TPM Vendors has been corrected
RELEASE NOTES 6.5 (6 December 2018)
Action Point
- High priority column is now included in the export file
- Comments in the “Actions Taken” field are now included in the export file
Bug fixes
- Random codes no longer appear in the export file when a location is left blank in the Action Point
Partnership Management
- Change to the way files are uploaded. Files can now be shared between the different modules of eTools.
- The denominator on the ratio indicator is defaulted to 1.
- Error messages on the FRs are now more descriptive – if the FR is used elsewhere, eTools will point out the other PD. Also, if the FR cannot be found in the country workspace, eTools will alert to that fact.
- New notification was added for suspension of a PCA – A list of all signed and active PDs associated with a PCA will be sent to the user that performs the suspension action.
- Suspended PCAs have been added to the default view.
- Added ability to archive attachments in PD/SSFA. You should use this function for attachments that were added to PD by mistake. The attachment view was also enhanced.
- In the Document Library, Core Values Assessments are displayed with the partner name
- Tooltip messages appear faster for more responsive interaction
Bug fixes
- Fixes to the metadata not appearing in the Document Library
- The discrepancy between HACT Dashboard and Assurance Plan has been addressed
- “Signed by UNICEF” field is now editable when PD/SSFA is in Signed status.
Third Party Monitoring
- Documents available for sharing with Third Party Monitors now include attachments related to the partner
- While selecting a PD/SSFA for creating a Task, more information about the PD/SSFA is shown in the dropdown
Bug fixes
- Missing card titles are corrected
- Attachments for the TPM Partner had issues with uploading files and displaying uploaded document. They have been fixed.
Financial Assurance
Bug fixes
- Profile button shows the correct profile of each user (Available Workspace and My Groups)
- When filtering engagements by “status”, the correct engagements appear on the screen
- When exporting filtered data, the export file shows the correctly filtered data
- Staff in Iraq CO can assign staff spot checks
- Auditors can log in to Financial Assurance
Bug fixes
- Zendesk Support widget was blocking pagination of lists. It has been fixed.
RELEASE NOTES 6.4 (8 November 2018)
- Ongoing updates to Partnership Management Module continue as we are integrating this module with the coming Implementing Partner Reporting Portal;
- Filters are re-arranged;
- When downloading a PCA generated from eTools, the file name is the reference number of the PCA followed by country and partner name;
- If PD is in Draft status and the Contingency PD is on, it is now possible to hide the activation letter, start and end date. The fields will appear again once the PD goes into Signed status;
- Changes in the style of Risk Rating Field of Partner Detail page;
- Email notification sent to the focal point is now sent 90, 60, 30 and 15 days before the PD end date.
- Issues with saving PD/SSFA are fixed;
- Issues that appear when saving SSFA Header changes from draft to signed after amending it are fixed;
- Issues with attachments not appearing when the PCA transition to signed are now fixed;
- Issues with PD results export are fixed;
- Issues accessing Dashboards page are now fixed.
- Enhancements have been made to the Partnership Dashboard with new columns and alerts. New Functionality also includes map icon when user hovers over the partner row. The map links to Map Dashboard pre-filtered to that specific partner;
- Enhancements to the Maps Dashboard that now has additional information (CP outputs) and filtering options;
- Vendor Number is now included in CSO Dashboard.
- Dashboard alerts fixed.
- All filter fields are now multi-select;
- Staff members are now specific to workspace and the list does not display all UNICEF staff in all workspaces;
- Engagements and Spot Checks exports are now available.
- When staff members are deleted from the staff spot check, they are no longer deleted from eTools, but rather only from Financial Assurance Portal;
- Issues with the Staff Spot Checks are fixed. The Staff Spot Checks exports now give correct data.
- Issues with inability to duplicate a trip are now fixed
- Action points export now includes also "Actions taken" field.
RELEASE NOTES 6.3 (20 September 2018)
2. General
- Country Office Administrators now have additional functions. They can also delete the following:
- Interventions
- Agreement amendments
- Assessment
- Action Point
- Travel
NOTE: We are preparing training material for Country Office Administrators which we will be sharing soon!
2. Partnership Management
- The field "Authorized Officers" has been renamed to "Partner Authorized Officers"
Bugs fixes
- Fixes an issue on the Partnership Dashboard. Now when users click on the alert, filtered export is triggered
- Fixes an issue with searching PD by reference number. Now users can search for their PD using the reference number
III. Trip Management
- CP output dropdown has been rearranged with expired outputs now appearing at the bottom of the list
- Dashboards
- The donor and grants information are now displayed in unique pairs
- New design of the Maps Dashboard
RELEASE NOTES 6.2 (6 September 2018)
- General
- New role added called Country Office Administrator that will now perform admin functions in their respective country offices and in the following eTools modules:
Partnership Management Module:
Partners -> Agreement Amendments
Partners -> Agreements
Partners ->Assessments
Partners ->Intervention Amendments
Partners ->Intervention Budget
Partners ->Interventions
Partners ->Partner Organization
Trip Management Module:
T2F -> Action Points
T2F -> Itinerary Items
T2F -> Travel Activities
T2F -> Travel Attachments
T2F -> Travel
- Partnership Management
PD/SSFA page
- The functionality of termination of PD/SSFA now requires users to add termination date and upload termination notice
(NOTE: This functionality will be extended to include adding the termination notice to PCA in the coming eTools releases)
- The signatory of PD/SSFA can now be anyone with the appropriate level of authority according to country office Table of Authority. The UNICEF signatory in the PD/SSFA page now contains all of the users assigned to that workspace
- If user select SSFA as agreement type, a button has been added to enable amendment of that SSFA. Once user clicks on the button, the Authorized Officer field will be open in order to enable user to amend the agreement.
- User can add a contingency PD and move it to Signed status without adding a start date, end date and budget. To make the contingency PD active, users will have to add a start date, end date, budget, FR, and attach an activation letter.
Bugs fixes
Partner page
- The information in the Partner overview page on FR amount and actual disbursement is now correct in all workspaces and for all partners
Agreements page
- Issues with reference number drop-down width is now fixed. eTools now generates correct reference number
PD/SSFA page
- Issues with budget exports are fixed. Exports now contain correct records when "Country Programme Output" is on
- Issues with inability to save amendments are now fixed. There are no more issues with saving amendments
- Invalid errors when hitting save button no longer appear
III. Dashboards
Partnerships Dashboard
- Additional information and filters are added
- Filters re-arranged and formatted
Action Points
- "Category" field is now hidden because it does not display any options
- A new "Priority" field has been added into list of action points, displaying also "high" priority action points
- Filters in maps are now multi-select
Document Library
- New column "Source" added
- Filter drop-down list does not have "Report Type" option anymore, but only "Report"
HACT Assurance Plan
- Staff are able to plan programmatic visits for CSO partners at the PD level in Partnership Management. Staff continue to use HACT Assurance Plan to plan programmatic visits for GOVT partners. Spot checks, scheduled audits, special audits for CSO and GOVT partners will remain the same and be entered through the HACT Assurance Plan
- In the 'Assessments and Assurance' card, updated 'Outstanding Findings' column to display 'Pending Unsupported Amount' from Financial Assurance for Spot Checks and Audits
RELEASE NOTES 6.1 (9 August 2018)
eTools Release 6 includes launch of two new modules: Financial Assurance Module and Third Party Monitoring Module and one major feature Action Points.
FINANCIAL ASSURANCE MODULE manages engagement activities with external auditors. UNICEF staff are able to create, assign and manage audits, spot checks and micro assessments, as well as share progress and reports from Auditors back to UNICEF. For more information on how to use Financial Assurance Module, go to eTools knowledge library.
THIRD PARTY MONITORING receives and manages data from Third Party Monitors. UNICEF staff can assign and manage tasks online for Third Party Monitors who can share progress and reports with UNICEF. For more information on how to use Financial Assurance Module, go to eTools knowledge library
ACTION POINTS is a one-stop shop for action point creation, modification, tracking and report on follow-up actions from Third Party Monitoring, Financial assurance and Trip Management. For more information on how to use Action Points Dashboard, go to eTools Knowledge Library
eTools Release 6 also includes the launch of the updated eTools landing page. Now new users can access eTools by clicking Sign-In button at the top right corner of the landing page.
IMPORTANT: As part of the eTools roll-out strategy of new modules, eTools team will organize webinars and orientation of the new modules and key features end of mid/end of August.
- Trip Management
- Updated the trip management action points to enable users to create action points based on the trip activity, as well as indicate office and section of the assignee
- Move action points from the Report tab to its own tab
- Removed Action Points list view within Trip Management module to allow editing and completion of action points to be conducted in Action Points Dashboard
- Partnership Management
Partners page
- Deactivated partner contacts are hidden and the display is more compact
Agreements page
- Multiple Amendments to an agreement are displayed in a more compact way and in a reverse chronological order
- UNICEF Signatory field removed as the signatory is always COs Representative of Deputy Representative. The static text has been added that reads "Signed by UNICEF Authorized Officer"
- A toggle button "Special conditions PCA" added in the Agreements detail page
- Core Value Assessment section changed. It includes date of the last assessment which is non-editable and comes from VISION and attachment that is editable. Once a new date from VISION is available, the old Core Values Assessment will be automatically archived. All archived records are hidden by default and a toggle button is added enabling users to view archived records
- Updated PCA templates in IFRC French, English, French, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, IFRC PCA English - to account for the changes to the provisions of protection from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse (PSEA)
- The year reference in the reference number can be customized
PD/SSFA page
- The UNICEF signatory in the PD/SSFA page is optional
- The year reference in the reference number can be customized
- Another attachment field added called "Internal/PRC Reviews" in the PD/SSFA Amendments. This field is not mandatory
PMP Profile page
- All fields hidden from Profile page except "Available Workspaces" and "My Groups"
Partnership Management Assurance tab:
- Programmatic visits are updated to be listed by the end date of the trip, not the date of visit field
- Cash Transfers Jan-Dec are displaying the correct value
III. Dashboards
My Dashboard
- Personalized Dashboard renamed to My Dashboard
- Partnerships are now listed first before Action Points and Trip Management
- Action points created and assigned to a specific user from Third Party Monitoring, Financial Assurance and the Action Points Dashboard will display in My Dashboard
- Users are able to add action points or trips directly from My Dashboard
Document Library
- Hierarchy of documents as per Partner>PCA>PD added