RELEASE NOTES 5.2 (5 July 2018)
Partnership Management Module
PMP General Enhancements
- All loader elements that have text starting with "Loading xxxx" now just read "Loading..."
- All loader elements that have text starting with "Saving xxxx" now just read "Saving..."
- A Message "Oops you hit a 404!" now reads "An error occurred."
Partners’ Page
- “Add new partner” button has been re-named into “Import Partner”
- "Vendor #" field label now reads "VISION Vendor Number" “Vendor # is required” helper text has been changed into “VISION vendor number is required”
- “Creating new partner” loader now reads “Importing partner information”
- The message "Field partner_type: Vendor record must belong to PRG2 account group (start from 2500 series)" now reads "Vendor number must belong to PRG2 account group"
- The message" Loading data from Vision Failed, no valid response returned for data:..." now reads "The vendor number entered is incorrect"
- The message "Partner Organization already exists with this vendor number" now reads "This vendor number already exists in eTools"
- On partner list page, the table column headers now reads "Vendor No.," "Name (Short/Full)," "Partner Type" and "Risk Rating"
- Assurance activities planned in the HACT Assurance Plan are displayed by programmatic visits, spot checks and audits in the Assurance tab
- “Done” programmatic visits is re-labeled to “Completed” programmatic visits in the Assurance tab
- Coloring and labeling of programmatic visits is now consistent. The color of Programmatic Visits Minimum Required has changed from black to green
- “Completed” assurance activities from the Financial Assurance Module are displayed in the Assurance tab under “Assessments and Assurance”
Agreements’ Page
- Vendor number added to exported list of agreements
- On Agreements list page, in the "Add Filter" dropdown, "Agreement Status" should read "Status" and is now consistent with all other instances
- On Agreements list page, the table column header "Reference Number #" now reads "Reference No."
- On Agreement page, when creating a new agreement, "You have to save the agreement before you can generate a PCA template" now reads "Save before generating the PCA template"
- Agreements list has a new multi-select filter for CP Structure
- The message "Please review invalid fields data from Details tab" now reads "Document can not be saved because of missing data in Details tab"
- Wording of PD notifications changed
- Alignment of PD Output or SSFA Expected Results card to coming Partner Reporting Portal
- PD/SSFA list page has a CP Structure filter
- When creating performance indicators, the locations and sections fields are populated if only one item was checked on the PD level
- Vendor number in the PD Details page is now displayed
- RAM Indicator field is editable
- For Performance Indicators with the "Unknown" Field checked, the Baseline column on the PD Output or SSFA Expected Results cars shows "-"
Personalized Dashboard
- The following headings are added under "My Partnerships":
- PD/SSFA Reference Number
- PD/SSFA Title
- UNICEF Cash Amount
CSO Dashboard
- A PD hyperlink column is added to the CSO Dashboard export
HACT Assurance Plan:
- Spot Checks from previously created trips are counted by the end date of the trip
- Field added to the Edit HACT Assurance Plan pop-up to allow staff members to plan follow-up spot checks
- Updated the Spot Check Minimum Required to display 0 if the “Type of Assessment” is “Low Risk Assumed”
- Export for non-detailed assurance plan
- Export for detailed assurance plan updated to display expiring and approaching threshold flags as ‘yes’ and ‘no’
HACT Dashboard:
- Displaying number partners without programmatic visits, spot checks, or required assurance activities
- Displaying graphical displays of partners assurance coverage by number of partners and by cash transfer
- Export of partners assurance coverage
- Under construction warnings added to the ‘Assurance Coverage’ and ‘Financial Findings’ card
- Assurance Coverage graph colours changed to green (met requirements), yellow (partially met requirements), and red (without assurance)
Financial Assurance:
- Audit reports updated to allow for multiple key internal control weaknesses
- PDF export to include the status of the engagement.
- PD is now editable in draft stage of engagement and is marked as “optional”
- Validation that Financial Findings cannot exceed audited expenditure
Third Party Monitoring
- TPM Focal Points can only accept/reject visits assigned to themselves
- 'Description' and ‘Action Point Reference number’ added to the action point export
- Email notifications are sending to the PME if a TPM has rejected a visit, and when a TPM has reported on a visit
- PD/SSFA added to Locations-level, Task-Level and Visit-Level export
- Able to duplicate visit activity and will save if one visit activity is changed
Bugs fixes
Partners’ Page
- Unblocked partners in VISION are now automatically unblocked in eTools, too
- Programmatic visits calculations are correct
- Third Party Monitoring programmatic visits are now counting in the Overview and Assurance tabs
- Financial Assurance Spot checks and audits are now counting in the Overview and Assurance tabs
- It is now possible to upload a new Core Value Assessment
- The issue around partners being blocked in eTools even though they are not blocked in VISION is fixed
- Programmatic visits are calculating correctly on the Assurance tab in the Overview and Assurance Activities card
- The “Budget” export now contains correct records when “Country Programme Output” filter is on
- All the pdf attachments are now opened in a new tab
- All CP structures are available and can be selected in the new Agreement and new PD/SSFA sections
- Fields are no longer missing when PD is in amendment mode
- When editing Performance Indicator, the check on the "Unknown" filed no longer disappears
- The "Locations" field is now editable when in Amendment mode when in Signed status
CSO Dashboard
- Date discrepancies fixed
- CSO Dashboard exports fixed
- Alignment of the columns in CSO Dashboard is now fixed
- "My Partnerships" in Personalized Dashboard no longer loads when there are no PD/SSFAs in that workspace
- Documents are downloaded from Document Library
Trip Management
- Removed error notification if staff member does not have a vendor number
- Printing for trips displays PDF with correct text
- Action Point email notifications appearing in emails correctly
- Status filter for Trips list view returning the correct trips
HACT Assurance Plan:
- Programmatic visits are now calculating correctly in the Assurance Plan and Detailed Assurance Plan
- Oct – Sep Cash Transfers are now displaying the correct value in the HACT Assurance Plan export
HACT Dashboard:
- User is now able to plan assurance activities and partner, flags and partner type do not disappear
Financial Assurance:
- PowerPoint attachments can be uploaded
- "Partner" and "Active PD" fields are no longer editable once the engagement is submitted to Auditor
- "Programme Documents or SSFA" field's name no longer changes to "Active PD" once the engagement is submitted to Auditor
- Cancellation note now available for engagements that are cancelled
- "Audit Staff members" card name does not change once the engagement is submitted to Auditor
Third Party Monitoring
- PD/SSFA displaying correctly when approving a report
- Action Points can now be created and reported on
RELEASE NOTES 5.1 (4 June 2018)
HACT Assurance Plan:
- Partnership Managers, UNICEF Audit Focal Points and Senior Staff Member users are now able to plan programmatic visits, spot checks and audits in the HACT Assurance Plan
- Number of partners without required programmatic visits or spot checks are displayed in the Dashboard and can be exported into a CSV file
- Country offices are able to view the number of partners without any assurance activities, those who have partially met requirements and have met the minimum requirements in a pie chart
- A pie chart displays the sum of cash transfers of all partners without any assurance activities, those who have partially met requirements and have met minimum requirements
- Export function has been added for the non-detailed assurance tab
PMP Assurance Plan:
- 'Financial Assurance' tab is renamed to 'Assurance'
- 'Overview' section is renamed to '2018 Overview'
- In 2018 Overview section, the spot check and audit 'M.R.' fields are renamed to 'Required'
- In 2018 Overview section, the spot check and audit displays 'Required' and 'Completed' visits
- Programmatic visits created in Trip Management are now displayed in a 'Monitoring Visits' section
- Planned, minimum required and completed programmatic visits added to the '2018 Overview' section
- Planned visits from the HACT Assurance Plan are now displayed in the 'Assurance Activities' section
II. Partnership Management
Partners' Page
- New notifications generated on PMP Partner's page (expiring micro-assessment, expiring Core Values Assessment, partner becomes blocked /marked for deletion)
- New filter added to Partner's page. The list of partners can now be filtered by Risk Rating
Agreements Page
- Partner name on the top of the Agreement page is now hyperlinked and will take the user to that Partner's Overview page
- PCA can now only be generated if at least 1 Partner Authorized Officer is selected
- Long form of the country name was added to the PCA template (e.g. The Syrian Arab Republic instead of Syria)
- The PCA template can now accommodate more than 1 bank account (if more than 1 is added in VISION)
- PD/SSFA page can be filtered by donor and grant. If you add an FR to your PD/SSFA, the donor/grant information will be automatically pulled from VISION
- The FR line items information on donors and grants are now available in the 'Implementation Status' table of the Overview tab
- Export by location is added in PD/SSFA page
- The risk rating labels are now consistent throughout the system (high, low, medium, nor required, significant)
- All of CP Structures in Agreements and PD drop-downs are now displayed. The drop-downs are defaulted to show the most active CP
- Ability to add a partner of UNICEF Signatory without having to fill in the date
CSO Dashboard
Bug Fixes:
- Inconsistencies in the PD Budget export have been fixed
- CSO Dashboard now has the option to export only filtered data
- Data selector issues in the CSO Dashboard were fixed
- 'HACT Programmatic Visit Reports' are added as an attachment type for a trip
- A new filter 'Locations' is added to the list of trips
- Traveler is able to add and modify the report and attachments after the status of their trip is marked as completed
RELEASE NOTES 5.0 (3 May 2018)
HACT Assurance Plan:
- Cash Transfers Oct – Sept have been updated to show the correct value
- Partner name redirects the user to Partner Details page in Partnership Management Portal
- Users are able to search by vendor number
- In the detailed assurance plan, the quarter in which a programmatic visit or spot check is displayed now dependent on the ‘end date’ of the trip instead of the ‘completed date’
- Exports now display expiring and approaching threshold flag and the 'net cash transfer' column has been removed
HACT Dashboard:
- Wording changes include:
- 'Assurance Activities' to 'Assessment and Assurance Activities'
- 'Total Cash Transfers by Cash Transfer Amounts' to 'Total Cash Transfer by Cash Transfer Ranges'
- 'Expired' to 'Expiring' for Micro Assessments
- 'Cash Transfer Amounts' to 'Cash Transfer Ranges'
- Cash Transfers Oct – Sept have been updated to show the correct value
- Current year Jan – Dec cash transfers have been updated to display the correct value
II. Partnership Management
- In the PMP Financial Assurance tab, audits and micro assessments can be added to the ‘Other Assessments’ card
- The local currency Actuals and Outstanding DCT are now available in the Implementation Status table and the CSO Dashboard
- A visual flag was added to display multiple currencies used for financial transactions (if the flag is displayed, Actuals cannot be in single currency)
- The importing of partners into workspaces functionality has been fixed
III. Trip Management
Bug fixes:
- When a user applies a filter to the data in the Trip Management list view, the export will now display the filtered data