Purpose: Navigation of the Field Monitoring Module
Who: All UNICEF staff/consultants
When: UNICEF User wants to navigate the different areas of the Field Monitoring module
- The FM module has a collapsible left navigation panel with: At the top: label with the module name; settings section; plan section; collect section; analyze section.
- The Settings section allows users to configure the country office workspace in regards to Field Monitoring. This section consists of two main parts:
- The Questions area provides access to the repository of all permissible monitoring questions;
- The Sites area allows defining locations as the place for Field Monitoring visits.
- The Plan section enables creating the overall Field Monitoring annual plan, strategy, and approach. Also, in this section, users can associate questions to entities. This section consists of the following parts:
- The Rationale area allows building the rationale for the strategy and approach for the year’s Field Monitoring activity;
- The Issue Tracker area allows logging known issues related to a Partner, CP Output, or Site/Location;
- The Templates area allows for pre-structuring field monitoring activities. These templates can be used and customized during the Collect phase.
- The Collect section has the following purposes:
- Supporting structured offline qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis of field monitoring visits. It includes analysis of findings across multiple data collection methods and linking findings to specific CP Outputs and partners’ expected contributions;
- Capturing, tasking, categorization, and management of action points, including automatic notification of follow-up actions to UNICEF staff members.
The Collect area of the FM Module provides both online data collection capabilities. Here, users (UNICEF or TPM) can set up the monitoring visit (by clicking create new), accept, perform data collection, and finalize the report. Users can add or change the questions available for their visit using the Settings section of the FM module.
The Collect Section allows creating new Activities and reviewing those that have already been planned
Each Activity has the following characteristics:
- Reference Number is a unique human-readable identifier. Clicking on the Reference Number brings the User to the screen of that Activity;
- Start Date for which the FM Activity is scheduled;
- Location & Site represents the admin boundary location (at the lowest admin-level available in the country office) and the Site for the monitoring Activity;
- Primary FM indicates whether UNICEF staff or a TPM will undertake the FM Activity;
- Team Members include the names of those who will undertake the planned activities and create the FM reports. These teams can be either UNICEF or TPM;
- Checklists;
- Status of the Activity (e.g., Draft, Checklist, Review, Assigned, Data Collection, Report Finalization, Submitted, or Completed).
The list of activities is searchable and multi-filterable by status, site name, location name, team members, and other criteria. To add new filters, click the Filters button and select as Activities filtering many filters as needed
Clicking on each activity will open the activities page:
The Activities in the Collect Phase in the FM Module have eight Statuses, the current status of the Activity is presented at the top of the Collection section when you add new Activities or edit the existing ones:
- Draft allows developing the particulars of an FM activity;
- Checklist is the stage during which the UNICEF User can select what questions to ask regarding each entity previously selected for monitoring;
- Review is the stage when the UNICEF user can review the details and format of the collection checklist before assigning for approval;
- Assigned is where an FM Activity assigned to UNICEF or TPM staff members can be accepted or rejected; (In the case of UNICEF performed collection, the assigned state is auto-transitioned through, the system assuming acceptance by the UNICEF officers)
- Data Collection reflects the data collection phase after the assignee accepted the FM Activity. During this stage, all information is collected, and each method (e.g., interview, observation, discussion) is recorded in the system;
- Report Finalization. After all the data is collected and synchronized, it's available online. During the Report Finalization stage, users can summarize findings for all entities and questions asked. Also, there's the possibility to cross-check collected reports and edit them if necessary;
- Submitted is where UNICEF Staff members with appropriate permissions can review activities and check them for completeness and correctness. Then, activities can be approved or sent back to data collection status for additional corrections or input; . Completed allows confirming that FM activity and report are finalized and accepted as complete
- The Analyze section is aimed to provide multiple sources of evidence. The Analyze section has two parts:
- Monitoring Activity provides a better overall understanding of the Field Monitoring activity planned and completed;
- Country Overview is focused on a Countrywide view on every CP Output, organized by Outcomes.